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Jack Harper is miserable. He and his parents live in the rundown Greencastle. It’s in such bad shape that Jack’s taken to using an umbrella indoors because of the leaky roof. His parents are determinedly trying to make a go of it, but people aren’t exactly clamoring for tours. One day Jack spies a piece of paper sticking out of a mousetrap. Intriguingly it says:

Demons (Free Delivery)

Phone: +555-1-800-GET-A-DEMON

Until Stock Lasts

Before you can say “This is the worst idea in the history of bad ideas!” Jack has himself a demon with an attitude in the form of one Brinklovin Crowley the Third. He plans on using Brink to attract tourists who like haunted castles, but you know what they say about best laid plans…

I absolutely loved this book! Jack is a twelve year old kid with a great sense of humor, and Brink? Well he’s just awesome! I mean how can you not fall in love with a demon who loves to read? And I don’t know if this was intentional, but Andy giving him the last name of my favorite demon on Supernatural just clinched it for me. The verbal sparring between Jack and Brink is absolutely hysterical and had my husband wondering why I kept bursting into giggles. The only issue I have (if you can call it that), is the cover. The demon depicted doesn’t match what Brink really looks like. If I’m nitpicking, it’s just because I love Brink so much. Andy is generously offering this book for free right now on Amazon. I tried to provide a link but as usual my Kindle isn’t cooperating. I highly, highly recommend this not just for kids ages 10-12, but for adults who fancy a quick funny read. And if you like this, Andy’s already written the second book:


The Demonic Incident in Chinatown. She also has a wonderful blog: “something fishy smells here…” at http://andymulberry.com/blog