


A few days ago I found out I had reached this unbelievable milestone! After I regained consciousness, my first reaction was something like this:


And this:


And just a little of this:


Okay. And this as well:


Since then, I’ve actually reached 1,010 followers, not that I’m counting or anything!


Seriously though, I really want to thank all of you who follow me. I started this blog back in July of 2014 simply because I had recently become disabled and missed being a librarian. To be honest, after twenty-six years of being a reading advocate, I was floundering. But then I stumbled upon the wonderful community that makes up WordPress. Since then, I’ve had over 41,000 views and almost 16,000 visitors, which I find completely unfathomable. I’m not very skilled technologically speaking, so By Hook Or By Book isn’t exactly the flashiest blog out there. Yet, you all come to visit, read my reviews and share your thoughts, and for that I just can’t thank you enough. I’ve made so many friends from all over the world, which has made blogging an incredibly enriching experience for me. I will endeavor to keep providing honest book reviews, the occasional political post when I’m feeling especially aggravated, as well as some inspirational and humorous ones. If there’s anything you find lacking and you’d like me to add, please let me know. In the meantime I just want to thank all of you again, for making this such a rewarding experience!
