

On June 21st, 1997 a small book called Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was published and a literary juggernaut was born. (I’m not even going to start on the movies, merchandise, and theme park!) Ten years and seven books later, the series ended with this line:

The scar had not pained Harry for nineteen years. All was well.

A perfect and well-deserved end for The Chosen One wouldn’t you think? A little over twenty-four hours from now Harry Potter and the Cursed Child will be released to much fanfare. While I’ve avoided reading anything that might even hint of a spoiler, I have heard that all is not well for Harry and his son Albus. 


To be honest, I wasn’t sure if I’d still be feeling that same magical thrill I first had in the midst of the original Harry Potter craze, especially since this isn’t a traditional novel, but to my surprise I am. I’m really looking forward to diving back into the imaginative world that J.K. Rowling created nineteen years ago. So, while I’m breathlessly waiting for Sunday to arrive, I’m doing what any self-respecting Harry fan would do: indulging in a weekend-long Harry Potter birthday marathon, courtesy of ABC Freeform here in the States. And to my fellow “Potterheads” around the world I say:

Happy Reading!
