This Is A Post EVERYONE Should Read And Share!

Jean's Writing

It seems that way. 

I haven’t slept much this week. Each night I’ve tossed and turned watching the clock as my mind raced. Often pain and discomfort that keep me awake but the last few nights this was not the case. No, the events of the past week rushed at my thoughts like a swarm of bees evicted from their hive.

This is a writing blog. But, is there anything more important to write about than what is happening around us?

In times of crisis as well as celebration, it is the arts that express our humanity. 

Painters put images on canvas, singers raise their voices in song, photographers capture the moment, and writers write. We write in newspapers, books and now the internet. We write to preserve, share, and inform.

Today I’m sharing. A memory that has stayed with me more so than any other from my young childhood.

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