Thank you Gronda for putting this post together, because I for one, am too furious to gather together anything coherent. For the sole reason of pleasing his base and taking another knock at President Obama, Trump has just imperiled the entire world. While this decision isn’t surprising, it’s no less reprehensible.

Gronda Morin

MAX BOOT is a conservative Russian-American author, consultant, editorialist, lecturer, and military historian. He worked as a writer and editor for Christian Science Monitor and The Wall Street Journal in the 1990s.(Wikipedia)

Today’s the day, 8th day of May 2018, when the republican President Donald Trump plans to announce his intent to have the US back out of the 2015 Iran Nuclear deal despite the advice by his own Defense Secretary General James Mattis and the allied leaders of numerous countries.

The president is instead listening to the professionals whom he has recently placed in his cabinet like the National Security Adviser John Bolton and the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as well as the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, all of whom are in favor of tearing up this deal and for promoting regime change in Iran.

See: The U.S. Will Withdraw From Iran Nuclear Deal, Trump Tells…

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