

Hello Everyone! Welcome to the eighth Family Fridays. I hope you and yours continue to be safe and well. Here’s the latest from Alabama: There are now 11,101 confirmed cases and 473 deaths. That’s an increase from last Thursday evening of 2,055 people who have tested positive, and 104 deaths. It’s the second biggest weekly increase of Covid-19 patients since I started this, and it’s the largest increase of deaths. To put things in perspective, my first Family Fridays post was on March 27, and there were 501 confirmed cases with one death. That’s quite a difference in a relatively short timespan. As just about everything is open now (within state guidelines), except for schools, libraries, movie theaters, and bowling alleys, I’m expecting those numbers to start increasing at a faster rate. Alabama has received a small allotment of Remdesivir, the drug that has shown promise in helping those with moderate to severe cases of Covid-19. It’s not clear how many hospitals have received the therapeutic, but to give you an idea how short in supply this medication is, one hospital received enough doses to treat eight patients, while another can treat only one. This doesn’t do a lot to instill confidence does it? My husband and I are continuing to go on our daily walks, although we’ve been trying to get out by about 7:00 a.m. because it’s starting to get hot here. Our complex has a nice pool, but it’s still closed for right now. We’re thinking it may open in the next couple of weeks, while following state guidelines as to how many people can be there at a given time. I’m really looking forward to using it again because swimming helps me with my health issues more than anything else. So, how are all of you doing?


For this week’s positivity I’d like to share the story of photographer Laura Fuchs who has been taking pictures of New Yorkers flashing their beautiful smiles behind their masks.
