


With Mexico being one of the highest crime Nations in the world, we must have THE WALL. Mexico will pay for it through reimbursement/other.

~ Donald J. Trump ~

Despite being insulted at every turn by Mr. Trump, Mexico has generously offered to provide aid and assistance to Hurricane/Tropical Storm Harvey ravaged Texas. As Mr. Trump petulantly continues to tweet how Mexico will pay for “the wall” one way or another, and complains about what a horrible trading partner they, along with Canada are, Mexico released a statement Sunday just a few hours after Mr. Trump’s latest ignorant and offensive tweet, saying:

The Mexican government takes this opportunity to express its full solidarity with the people and the government of the United States as a result of Hurricane Harvey in Texas, and expresses that it has offered to provide help and cooperation to the U.S. government in order to deal with the impact of this natural disaster–as good neighbors should always do in trying times.


(Photo taken by Joe Raedle/Getty images)

Although Mr. Trump has not responded, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and Texas Governor Greg Abbott have accepted Mexico’s offer with thanks. This isn’t the first time Mexico has come to our aid. Back in 2005 when Hurricane Katrina devastated areas of Louisiana and Mississippi, Mexico sent medical personnel, soldiers, and engineers to give aid to stricken residents. They helped distribute more than 184,000 tons of supplies, served 170,000 meals, and conducted more than 500 medical consultations. So, I’d like to thank Mexico for its continued spirit of generosity, and apologize for the current occupant of the White House. He does not speak for all Americans.





And thank you to Canada for also pledging its support and assistance!