You have to check out this new video from Randy Rainbow, courtesy of Dr. Rex! I promise you won’t regret it!😁

It Is What It Is

~~June 29, 2020~~


One more time, Randy has ‘rescued‘ me from despair! As a result of the current American reality we are collectively , it’s quite easy to fall on negativity. There’s no time for breathing. The ‘news’ come at you at an amazing speed and one remains breathless and shocked!

Thank you, Randy, for a moment of reprieve from the ‘dumb-fuckery‘ that this ‘presidency’ has confirmed it’s always been.

(Why doesn’t he wear a mask? Claims he would look ridiculous. Isn’t that already a fact?)



Randy Rainbow Taunts Trump with Hillary Mask in COVID Theme Song ‘Cover Your Freakin’ Face’

Randy Rainbow’s here to lighten a dark week of news with some advice for the Trumps and Karens of the world amid the COVID-19 surge threatening half the nation: Cover Your Freakin’ Face.

If you know Bye…

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