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Thanks to NetGalley and Tor Books for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

Release Date: February 16th, 2021

256 Pages

Synopsis: Evelyn Caldwell’s husband has been having an affair—with Evelyn Caldwell. Or, to be exact, a genetically cloned replica.

After a morning that begins with a confrontation, and ends with Nathan’s body bleeding out on the kitchen floor, the two Caldwell wives will have to think fast—before sharing everything includes sharing a jail cell.

I’m going to straight up say that The Echo Wife needs to be made into a movie! What a fantastic read this was, filled with surprising twists and turns right up until the last pages. It’s both a character and plot driven tale with each pushing the other. Evelyn is a cold, calculating researcher and empathy doesn’t come easily to her. Yet ultimately she come across sympathetically through her flashbacks to her unhappy childhood. Martine, Evelyn’s clone and a complete innocent, is someone who will make your heart ache. But as these two women work together, they find strength in each other and make quite the formidable team. The Echo Wife has been compared to Westworld, and while it shares a few similarities, it’s not a thriller. Instead, it’s a slow burning suspense, that chapter by chapter, reels you in. I easily finished it in one sitting and I highly recommend it to readers who are not only looking for a good suspense tale, but also ones who enjoy pondering ethics, and the nature vs nurture debate.